Sunday, January 24, 2010

How Guys Get Girls

Okay listen, you ever just been almost hammered? Well, I'm at about that stage, and my girlfriend wanted to go home. So naturally, I give in, and we go home. Long story short, your song here saved me a shit load of arguing. Really, we were pissed at each other because I'm a partier and I wanted to keep drinking, and she's a semi-partier, and those two just don't connect. I was ready to dance my ass of at 2:00 a.m., and she was ready to hit the sack. So of course, what does a drinker like me do, I start playing every "upbeat" hip-hop song that I know over laptop speakers on Youtube. I just want to dance my nuts off. This not only infuriates my girlfriend's roommates, my girlfriend is also pretty pissed at me also, and she just wants to get in the bed. SO FOR ALL YOU FELLAS OUT THERE WHO LIKE BEER(S), LISTEN UP, if you want to warm up to your girlfriend at the end of the night, play palalex's song- "Say All I Need,"on youtube and it could get you out of the doghouse like it got me out of trouble. Fact: Women melt to this song! Nuff Said. Beer is good...and stuff